
” Let’s Roll…….”

and, whatever you do…

” Never Forget ” …our own government is responsible for the murders of several thousands of its own citizens, on 9/11. There is no way 19 hi-jackers, did this. 9 of them were still alive the next day…how did that happen?

They must have attached themselves to that famous passport which escaped unharmed and was conveniently found on the sidewalk in front of one of the buildings…

If you read into it, their names and personal details were used to create false personas, specifically for this event.

not only did the terrorists, meaning sections of our own government, ( probably in collusion with Mossad, according to some early reports ) use, “some catastrophic and catalysing [sic] event – like a new Pearl Harbor ” …

{ quoted from part of the mission statement of the PNAC – Project for the New American Century

– a neo-conservative thinktank out of ‘ Washington, DC. ‘ , which is NOT part of the USA… }…

to upset and shock the world, they lied about it! Better that the 19 really did it, as opposed to our own people killing our own people. Obviously, this was the old Operation Northwoods strategy, which was drafted in 1962, as a plan to attack a US vessel, or US citizen(s)…

in order to blame that attack on Castro…so they could depose him.

Replace Castro with the ” Middle East ” …and we have our supposed culprit for the attacks on 9/11. Besides, the real reason the WTC complex was destroyed was for insurance reasons…

…how else would someone get rid of all those buildings FULL of asbestos? Decimate the entire area and you ensure every citizen within a ( ?? ) miles radius is inundated with toxins…population control??

Job security for the medical communities…Big Medicine, Big Pharma…

Big Sham.

Read into the late-night operations by teams of workers, who were there to do

‘ work at night ‘ when the complex was powered down, guard dogs and security were removed…BY WHOM?? This explains all of the controlled demolition, and rigging which was so obviously used there…also explaining the way that building 7 came down so quickly. Obviously it was rigged to explode the same way the other buildings were set. Reading into the processes of controlled demo, you would need to start setting it all up weeks in advance. So when Larry Silverstein said, ” we decided to pull it ” …meaning demolish building 7, those bombs would have HAD to be already in place. They ” called it ” the same day, within hours of the fires and it came down in 7 or 8 seconds!

And how strange that the majority of the supposed attackers were, Saudi Arabian…funny, not one of them was from Iraq, Afghanistan…( not that it was real anyway )…

so why did we wage war on these places, and NOT Saudi Arabia? Easy answer. We don’t bite the hand that feeds…

others would have been from Egypt, and the UAE, United Arab Emirates…including Dubai, supposedly where Obama is from. Or, Barak Mounir Ubayd, as was his name before October of 1982, according to Stephen Pidgeon. How convenient that his namesake, Obama Sr., was killed in an ‘ automobile accident ‘ in the following month, November of 1982…

our ” (S)elected ” leaders, have been doing this for decades…they have been, and, are causing what’s been happening in the ‘ third world ‘ countries…all the ones outlined in the ” 7 countries in 5 years ” stratagem…which goes back to at least 2001…how convenient!

and how interesting that many of those 3rd world countries as we name them, have even helped us!

How can we call ourselves, 1st world? We haven’t been a world power for close to 50 years. Closer to 106 years if you consider the fact that we signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913…Wilson sold us out. Worse…we let him do it! That day, we lost ourselves, our country…

our ” independence ” …

knowing the way that the PNAC, Trilateral Commission, other think-tanks, behave…it isn’t hard to imagine the real reason for all the chaos.

They find a scapegoat, and start terrorizing them, while blaming others. It’s the old schoolyard bully tactic, except in this case the bully doesn’t even have the balls to admit he pushed little Jimmy off the swing…or, in this case, little Mohammed…

If our ‘ leaders ‘…( very loose term ) can do something like this, who knows what else they can do? Remember, the German word Fuhrer, translates to, ” leader, or guide ” …

According to one of my heroes, Professor Antony C. Sutton, the USA armed and financed BOTH sides in WW2, ( and in Vietnam ), playing both sides against each other …so we can see just how absolutely sick these people are. War makes money!

Even worse! We came in at the end to ‘ save the day ‘ , liberating all those in the camps.

Loosely quoting another hero, Noam Chomsky…” when the Cold War ended, our attention turned to the Middle East…” …makes sense. But, we also need to remember that the Berlin Wall was erected to keep people in, not keep them out…go back to 1917-18, and see our involvement in the Bolshevik Uprising…

2 + 2 =?

Consider all the countries on the 7 C i 5 Y, list…and we have our reason for such escalations in terrorism and general chaos in the Sudan, abject poverty in Yemen, destruction, death, destabilization in the other countries listed.


We, the People…know exactly why.

Because, whenever there is discontent, poverty, disease, chaos…in foreign countries…we step in and save the day!!!

How heroic. Unfortunately, it was most likely us who started the problems to begin with. Much like beating someone’s head in with a bat, then pointing down the road, and saying, ” i know who did that…he went that-a-way!!! ” …

We the People, need to NOT vote, NOT contribute to terrorism, by giving them all our money, and devotion…don’t be ashamed of our country, be strong enough to try and change it. Be ashamed of what our fuhrers have done to us, our resolve, our tenacity…our strength! Change begins with us, the real US! The longer we wait, the sooner our demise. We need a revolution…

and it starts by YOU taking back what little power you still have over these entities who have driven us into the ground. A thing called War Tax Resistance.

War Tax Resistance | War Resisters League read into it. Remember that some people can go a little too far in their ideologies and really miss out on the real message of something. I have seen some people who have clearly gone over the top. But there are others who have employed this method of peaceful resistance and what equals civil disobedience, to ensure their government does not send their money to war or the military budget.

all these events over the past 20, 40, 50…100…200 years should be a sign to anyone with ANY shred of intellect that we are NOT in control. We elect people to ‘ govern ‘ us, our country…our lives…our future. Our constitution, is designed to make us slaves, subordinates…Automata

But don’t blame the puppets who stand and wave, blindly reciting whatever is written on their teleprompters…blame ourselves for allowing this to happen in OUR name!

” We are the future ” …

…What future??? There won’t be a future for the USA if we don’t think differently about our beloved homeland…which we stole. We murdered scores of innocent Native Americans so we could thrive for the expansion of England, France, Spain…the ones who weren’t murdered died in the New England plague

( 1616-1619 ) …

ask yourself…is what’s happening all over the world right now, any different? Isn’t what’s happening in Palestine, apartheid? Yet, we support the improper state of Israel…someone might call me an anti-Semite for writing that, yet…the people of Palestine are Semitic…so the Jews have done a lot to hurt them and put them down. That isn’t anti-Semitic?

no offense intended toward the hapless citizens…it’s the government there who is corrupt and steering them into decline as much as they claim to be building…

Isn’t what happened with the supposed ‘ migrant crises ‘ , which WE created…that same rationale?

OUR name is on ALL of the terror being perpetrated worldwide, right now.


Obviously, we can not trust anyone but ourselves to rise above the jingoism, lousing up what is real, and making so many people blind to what is really happening.

Here’s a report on Sudan, all the violence, murder, potential genocide there. School children being shot, schools being destroyed……/INT_CESCR_ICO_SDN_18830_E.pdf