APing the Truth

AP, is very slanted. I don’t trust them one bit: but you keep your enemies close…

There is definitely an agenda, or several…and they are clearly involved to the hilt; in Ukraine, and anywhere there’s an angle to push or pie to slice. Gestalt hasn’t been a thing for quite some time now…the Parts ( NATO ) ganged up on the Whole ( peace ), and kicked the shit out of Sum ( progress ) in the hallway just before a meeting at the UN. Now the so-called law allows trannies in Congress, and pedo teachers to give lectures about oral sex in 1st grade classrooms while grooming kids at drag shows.

Who would allow this?

You. And her…and him over there…not me.

” Oh, you’re intolerant! ” …

Ok. Good. I’m intolerant, but i didn’t allow pedos to have contact with my children and i didn’t cave to the loonies and be ok with trannies making decisions in Congress.

I’d rather be intolerant, thanks.

The Main Stream Media is bought and paid for, this is public information. Therefore you cannot trust the news for your information. It’s UNinformation, or IMformation. The ‘ im ‘ , representing the negative connotation: impossible, impiety, impatriotic. If you do trust it you are saying you’re ok with being lied to on a regular basis only for their agendas and to be steered a certain way: programmed…to believe certain things and have certain values you would have never come to on your own. You are in effect being made a sheep and you are also in effect bowing your head for the blade.

It ‘ be hooves ‘ [ sheep pun 😉 ] all of ‘ ewe ‘ [ second sheep pun ] to wake up; and quick! [ …and we’re back to the hooves! pun… ]

Stop dismissing the theorists, they have been doing your work for you while you were asleep. While you were snoozing the SJWs convinced you that you were awake, or ” Woke ” …and that you should go scream on the sidewalk for things you don’t understand, and to think a certain way even though you don’t feel like that. SO, to re-cap…you were awake, then they convinced you that you needed to wake up, by acting like you are asleep to reality. You have caved because for some reason, you were needy and are now uncertain which way to turn. The truth is waving at you…

see it, over there by the Dunkin Donuts kiosk, toward the middle of the train terminal? Right there…see the signs hanging overhead? ” South Station ” …got it? Ok, go over there and just wait.

I would highly recommend their hot chocolate mixed into half a large black coffee. Don’t miss your train, it brings you back to One with yourself. Stop listening to Feminazis who support women’s rights, yet have no problem calling a tranny a woman. That ” girl ” , is confused…stay away from her. Or go and tell her she’s wrong. Just do something before she ruins it for everyone. Gay rights…bullshit. Every human has rights. To make it separate for your own classification equals Apartheid or segregation in this sense.

Trans rights? Bullshit.

The man who wants to be referred to as a woman has given away his rights as a man to become a fake woman. What’s next? A schizo tranny that wants to be called a ‘ women ‘ ? Now he wants special treatment due to his own delusions? How Christian…


ALL of these so-called issues are only a thing because America is full of pussies. Or, not enough people are just like YOU and ME: UNpussified, and unafraid to call it for what it is. Which is it? Because today we all need to get our ass kickin boots on – NO! Hans and Heinrich, no one said go beat up old ladies! Why would you do that? Because Hitler said, blahblahblah…you have ZERO clue what Hitler said or did, he abandoned you guys TWICE…so let it go. Not for nothing…we all know that your real names are Stan and Bob…you fake posers need to go. OUR boots are made for progress and Evolution of the collective intellect and overall intelligence quotient, for the greater good of humankind and an end to imperialistic greed and posturing for worldwide domination.

Peace cannot be won with bombs.

The fact that your bombs were already on standby ( NATO, USA, UN… ) says that you are part of the problem, not a solution. Now would someone please go and tell that to the US government?

Trump wanted to leave NATO: Unenroll so to speak. I wonder what NATO would do to retaliate…

Our boots get things done the right way; through diplomacy and honest hard work to undo the damage our own government has done to our country, our society: the world. Be patriotic all you want, but you have to admit that it is the US government behind most of the chaos going on in the world today. That is indisputable fact. Be ok with it, then move on to help fix it! THAT is patriotism. To let it go the way it is now and do nothing is terrorism.

We want freedom and truth in the press: an end to propagandized news stories and the agenda of grooming the flocks for yet another generation of hapless, unwavering zombified taxpayers waving your patriotic flag, made in China…We strive for change and to get some liberty done in the name of peace and progress, humanity and an end to governmental overreach. That used to be called, Aristocracy. Now it’s referred to as American politics 101. The Main Stream Media is not helping bring peace and progress, it is bringing chaos and ruin to the sacrifice of our society one lamb at a time.

Then the powers that be sheer the lambs; pulling their own wool over their eyes, while picking the pockets of the sheep as they graze…

Find the shepherd…tell them you’re lost…tell them you’re heading back to the farm for a nice cold drink…

then run.

Razor Razing Race

your society is not free if you can’t express yourself. But your freedom comes at a price, if your expression trumps someone else’s rights and freedoms. That is still oppression, tyranny, privilege. Therefore no society can ever be truly free. There has to be some kind of conflict for your leaders to resolve. There has to be discord and disagreements among the

” classes ” …set up that way so one is always successful and the other represents the failures of humanity. Both are necessary. The trick is to achieve all you can but understand failure and what it means to lose everything. Those who have failed have learned strength, longsuffering, survival. Renewal…
Today if you speak the truth you are reprimanded, rebuked, removed. That is not freedom.

A razor blade is free to cut anyone it wants; but it knows that their blood will eventually rust its metal and make it obsolete. Humans can learn a lot from razor blades.

And honest people can learn a lot about what people really want. All our lives we’re told, ” the truth shall set you free ” , or ” always tell the truth ” . But then when you do someone gets offended and you’re shunned, cancelled for telling it like it is. Well i prefer the cold brutality of truth over the false plastic sheath of insincerity. My world would be full of honest people who can handle conversation without breaking shit and burning down entire cities out of revenge for things that never even happened. Instead of being angry, be smart. If you can…that is a direct challenge. And i don’t think you have it in you. Which then hurts your own people even more. YOU are doing that, not me. So stop, then we can all move forward. Bloody razors at our feet and the scars of truth on our souls, we go.

on FakeSpeech

Think you can trust the Main Stream Media?


Most of the talking heads are bought and paid for. I do still trust Tucker Carlson, he tells it like it is and doesn’t care whether or not you like him. That to me makes him at least half genuine. The rest i find out on my own. I never take someone’s word as truth until i’ve done the research for myself. And his book Ship Of Fools

( 2018 ), is excellent!

I also trust Glenn Beck. He has nothing to lose. I own his book, Common Sense, which is an obvious nod to Thomas Paine and his pamphlet, ‘ Common Sense ‘ , which did help to shape new American politics surrounding the Revolution. Also check out Paine’s ‘ The Rights Of Man ‘ …

I used to listen to Bill O’ Reilly and owned a couple of his books, but he still believes that 19 hijackers pulled off 9/11…so, i take him with a grain of salt the size of Lizzo’s butt. Not that i wouldn’t mind takin’ that! 😉

Bill co-wrote an excellent book ( with Martin Dugard ), called Killing Lincoln which i highly recommend. It is brutally honest and obviously correct.

And i trusted Rush Limbaugh. He had problems just like all normal people ( which translates as, all fucked up misfits, just like me). You could trust him because he was fallible. That is something missing from all the newscasters we see today: they are too perfect, propped up by fake illumination and lighting to make them more rockstar pop culture, kind of like Bill Clinton playing saxophone on Mtv to reach younger girls…oh i mean voters…

When you come home from work and toss your bag on the couch, plop down and watch the news, that is a scripted narrative of events and happenings which are

‘ programmed ‘ to affect you in ways without you even realizing it.


More like Mind Rape

I want the real shit. I don’t need the person delivering the news to edit it for me, that is not their job. And if they’re not doing that someone behind or above them is. That is MY information you have just messed with! Leave it alone. But to receive unadulterated, untouched, unedited news is a thing of the past, IF it ever even existed.

Apparently it IS the job of their ” superiors ” to edit the news. Therefore if some of it can be scripted, all of it could be scripted.

It is known that there was a concerted effort to influence the thinking of the public to steer things a certain way: guiding the outcome. Since we know that is true, we can also assume that other events have been steered by ” public opinion ” which is really the scripted, ‘ geared-toward-one-agenda ‘, opinion of the people who own the media, and the way they want things to be…

who owns the media runs the world. Who owns the world runs the media.

what is free speech?

Define, ” free ” …

free /frē/

adjective: free; comparative adjective: freer; superlative adjective: freest

1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.”I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free”

able or permitted to take a specified action.”you are free to leave”

[ ( my brackets ) if someone permits you to leave you were not free… ]

Similar: able to, in a position to, capable of, allowed, permitted, unrestricted

Opposite: unable

(of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.

“a free press”

Similar: independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, self-legislating, self-determining, self-directing, nonaligned, sovereign, autonomous, autarkic, democratic, emancipated, enfranchised, self-sufficient, manumitted

Opposite: dependent

historical not a slave.

the free world
the noncommunist countries of the world, as formerly opposed to the Soviet bloc.

it’s a free country
said when asserting that a course of action is not illegal or forbidden, often in justification of it. “it’s a free country, I can talk however I want” …}


when someone is raked over the coals for their comments, and it’s suggested they should be prosecuted as a criminal for nothing more than going against the given narrative, there was no law to break.

I have never been a fan of Kanye; himself or his music – although Gold Digger is catchy as hell…but shouldn’t that have been Gold DiggA? 😉 After that he offers me ZE-RO. However, in all fairness i don’t like rap or hip-hop so i wouldn’t even try, and i haven’t gone out of my way to explore the rest of his catalog. That’s just as much on me, as it is on him…BUT i do have to give him 100% credit for what he did and what he said to bring awareness surrounding the ” death { IF he died }( my brackets )… of George Floyd ” …which definitely did not happen as a result of racism. Anyone who is objective can see that.


Now, let’s see if he goes and apologizes. If he does, fuck him for not standing by his own convictions.

Floyd definitely did OD on Fentanyl: that is indisputable. He definitely DID NOT die of police brutality and overt racism. And if he asphyxiated it would be because he was so high that he wasn’t even strong enough to breathe on his own. Derek Chauvin called for an ambulance TWICE, to protect him. Would a racist do that or would a racist just let him die? His knee was not on his neck it was on the lower shoulder area.

Floyd was 6′ 6″ or 7…( yet, his coffin was only around 5 feet long…so, 2 + 2 =? … yes, 5)

Chauvin’s knee wouldn’t have done any damage to someone that big. He was jacked. But he definitely was resisting arrest to the point the first two cops on the scene couldn’t handle him; hence Chauvin and another officer being called in for back up. And if you noticed the media showed the brutal footage first, then a couple months later came out and said, ” Oh…hey……we found this tucked behind the fridge, sorry…… ” …

and, did black America come out and apologize for burning down cities while rioting: hurting white people…looting 50″ TVs and new sneakers? Or did they just go…” yeah, well fuck white people anyway! ” …i always heard black people are ignorant. Not all of them! That is for sure, but i have seen that it’s true since right around 2013 with Ferguson. They were so desperate for a reason to go and riot they believed the fake news that Mike Brown was killed by a racist cop. Therefore, in this context black people are needy. But they are ignorant so they can’t even see that about themselves. As i always say, they’re too close to it to be objective. Again, not all of them. That is very obvious, but that other quotient throws off any real progress that the smaller fraction makes, and it undoes itself unfortunately. It does seem that some people like to stay mired in the conflict and self-created tension they have surrounding them. Blame the Main Stream Media, or what is perceived as white oppression against black people, but the real cause is not enough people having an open mind, to let in the fact that they are mistaken so they can unstick themselves from their comfortable seat on the pity pot.

then you saw the way Floyd was resisting arrest to the point they had to literally pull him out of the SUV. When they grabbed him he had a bag of Fentanyl in his hand which he had been snorting. When they got him out and cuffed him he dropped a bag on the street. When they brought him to the sidewalk he dropped another bag. SO that count is already 3, and how many did he leave in the SUV?

Clearly, he ate his stash. It is a fact that he was bashing his own face and head on the pavement, i would think out of sheer frustration since at that point in his life he was still doing drugs and being the loser he was. I wrote that because i have been there. If you haven’t you are not qualified to make a comment about that.

The powers that be NEED this to be all about racism, so the running narrative being challenged throws off the whole game. Also, there was a very interesting video compilation by ‘ Weatherman 3 ‘ on youtube. It was released just after the second footage came out, this shows that all the fires in the general vicinity of Floyd’s arrest were all connected in some way to powers that be who were behind a lot of what happened in one way or another. Seek that video, i had a link but the original was deleted from the web as far as i can tell. THAT tells you it was correct. If i find it again i will attach it.

Back to reality…

WAKE UP!! black people…

you have a black man telling you that another black man did not die of racism, and YOU are mad at him for revealing that you were wrong to believe Floyd was oppressed?


Ok, needy a little? You need racism to make you oppressed so you feel right?

Wow…how far we have come…

therefore it is YOU who are keeping ” racism ” alive and well. So in this equation white people were not even required to oppress you…you literally did that to yourselves. Force of habit, perhaps?

Well, you need to break that cycle for yourself, and by yourself. This is what is called bad behavior.

You are behaving badly toward yourself and whatever you consider to be your culture, and you expect to be ‘ rewarded ‘ for your bad behavior, via reparations. That is very interesting to me, because YOUR ancestors enslaved MY ancestors. Did i go up and scream in your face about how black people are the scourge of the Earth and you should get down and wash my feet?


is privilege a white thing or a black thing? Because i see many black people getting reduced sentences for crimes they committed; murder, rape, theft…and being given preferential treatment only because of the color of their skin. That sounds like privilege to me.

For ANY black person to be ok with being exploited by other black people, makes the whole white/black debacle seem petty and dumb. Irrelevant.

I give Kanye credit for standing up against the running narrative, and aligning himself with Candace Owens, although she reached out to him first i believe…she is brilliant and fearless! Yet, black America would shun her for telling the story the right way.

That’s interesting to me. ( turning to face black America… ) what is your fight? YOU don’t even know…

but i’m supposed to get down on my hands and knees and worship you for oppressing yourself?


Volume 10 industries…

{[ update ]}

Yup…he caved. He apologized to the ” Floyd family ” and said sorry.

What a cunt! But he did bring up a very good point. He mentioned the fact that he donated at least $2 million to the family just after George’s OD. He also donated to the families of the other fake racism cases.

But now the ” Floyd family ” wants even more money??? Wow! Clearly they were told to sue him, probably by Crump that racist. OH!!! You thought i wrote, Trump…that’s interesting to me…

no, Benjamin Crump. Scumbag 101

on UNindoctrination

Getting the citizens on the same page: believe the lies about your government and its closet full of blood-soaked corpses; the skeletons of imperialism through the centuries – then have the absolute front to be patriotic about it.

Has it not occurred to anyone else…all we do is carry the torch of worldwide Emperors, from our former Crown to our former Church, to our current benefactors and enablers.

the idea used to be to rally AGAINST oppression ( if that was ever even true ).

Now we create it.

That is not Democracy. And if it is, you can keep it.

Clearly, a sociopath would create their own ” To-Do ” , list of humanitarianism

( which includes the word Aryan ) and heroism; things to effect in the world while secretly undoing all their own hard work behind the scenes so the next day is just as full of possibilities. The right thing to do would be to end war and Genocide. But the psychos in Congress just can’t seem to let it go! There are plenty of Iraqi children they haven’t murdered yet, so there is that. ” Oh well! Democracy can wait til next time we pretend to give a shit… ” …


on QuadrupleSpeak

” Pelosi the hero swooped in at the very last second and saved

babies from a burning building ” …

yes! but she started the blaze!

This still qualifies as DoubleSpeak, i just put two and two twogether two make 5…

( reference to George Orwell’s book 1984, on the theory of 2+2=5 ) but refer to this Congressional phenomena as QuadrupleSpeak as a reminder that several things can go unnoticed which are contained within the same sentence.

January 6th was not real, yet it’s being touted as the worst thing to happen to Democracy since all those corpses got caught under the wheels of American politics and death machines killing babies at 3 in the morning…” the nerve of all those innocent people; being right there underneath all those bombs we dropped…how dare they bleed while we’re out there trying to build a stronger world by murdering half of it? That’s not very diplomatic…here, now your land is laden with depleted Uranium…

……..ummmmmm…THANNNNK YOUUUUUUU?????????? ( scoffing at their impiety ) …” …

on Privilege and Exploitation

define ‘ unlawful ‘

what law was there to break?

define ‘ illegal ‘ …

define pandering…

define definition. DEFY the Democrats and their obvious mistreatment of illegal immigrants as they only care to do anything to ” help ” right around mid-term election time. Then it’s right back to, ” the check is in the mail… ” …don’t call us, we’ll call you…

what’s worse?

what’s worse is pinning this on DeSantis https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-marthas-vineyard-stunt-could-allow-migrants-stay-us-visas-2022-10

to make him the bad guy, when in reality this issue is meant to be a thing for the rest of our democracy. Or at least until La Raza finally takes over…and maybe they already have. Did they even need to try? Or was this already a thing? Maybe the whole idea of a border is just not real.

What’s even worse is that some of the migrants are being pushed out of their homeland by agents of terrorism; drug cartels, gangs…and are then encouraged to come to the USA – the Land of Opportunity!

let’s see how many convenient words we can get from ‘ opportunity ‘ …[ port, unity, pot; as in the Melting One – or, the one we soon will no longer have to piss in…

or, ” Op.eration Port Unity ” …and many more ] …and are they being terrorized at random, in their former home or is this part of some larger ‘ organized ‘ scheme, to steer things this way?

{ a few ( finger quoting loudly in the air ) ” hy-po-thet-ical ” questions … }

Who enables this terror and violence, straight up murder? It reminds me of ” Al-Qaeda, ISIS, et al. ” …

who might as well be MS-13…

kidnapping people at random and leaving their body parts on the street as a warning.

Who enables the kidnappers?

Who claims to fight terrorism while funding it? Who creates tensions so that people migrate in droves to the US? Who benefits from all these people coming in?

when illegal immigrants are given ANY rights at all, there is a problem.

Next time someone breaks into your home and has you at gun point in your kitchen, make them a sandwich and let them put their feet up on the coffee table for a bit before moving off to rob the next house, or state…this needs to end right now. And it will not. This is a necessary evil to the DemocRats who can stand on their soapbox and promise change; but in my opinion this could easily be a Bi-Partisan thing because in many ways it benefits both parties.

Republicans are against it on paper, yet they need it to have something to fight against.

And, change for whom exactly?? Because there are LEGITIMATE US CITIZENS begging for change on the sidewalk in Boston ( of course depending on their situation; some people put themselves there as a result of their own mistakes, choices or hardships ). This is also an example of Classism, being that many of their fellow citizens look down upon them as they pass and leave them a quarter or 50 cents for their troubles.

” Thanks! Now i only need another 75 cents and i can get a bagel…wicked psyched about that! ”

Their ” home ” , is being usurped by people who would enter the country against the so-called ” law ” if there ever was a law in place to break. So, define ” home ” …

I am an actual citizen of the USA by birth and live in Massachusetts; which is a very liberal Democratic lefty state, unfortunately. MY rights are apparently equal to the rights ( why is that even a thing? ) of an illegal immigrant who only came in to this country because they know that they will be given immunity and treated like gold: and to Congress, they ARE gold.

They represent the struggles for ( fake ) equality, and ( fake ) inclusion, ( fake ) humanity [adj., ], which in this case might as well be fake empathy; human pity. And when it’s only done in the name of politics it might as well be bullshit. The antonym would be scorn, malice.

And we are quickly running out of REAL gold! For real…in fact it already belonged to our benefactors: we had no right to spend it…

How much of ‘ our money ‘ , went to Ukraine ” DUR ING A PAN DEM IC ” …for a fake war?

Or toward, ” strengthening the border ” …what is your government doing about that? They have been telling you to do things a certain way, and they have been molding and grooming you to be the pussified pansy you are today.

OH? you’re not like that? Ok, then vote against immigration, because this issue will never get fixed until you do. Like your vote ” matters ” …

Unfortunately the only way to fix it, even temporarily is to deny ALL people from entering unless they do it through the proper channels. And why is that not already a thing?? You and me are the only way this will get done and it has to be now! { and go tell all your friends that it is a feat we can accomplish! But…don’t let on that it’s really bigger than us all. Just let them believe they’re doing right, and let them enjoy some ( fake ) freedom for a while, huh? You and me are the only ones who see through it all so remember, it’s up to us to keep it ‘ shtum ‘ . }

Tell your leaders you are against this or you are part of the problem. And stop voting Democrat!

We are governed by Hobson’s Choice in the USA. Both parties act as one, but at least the Republicans are against policies which give rights to ILLEGAL people.

Define ” legal ” …because it sure does seem like laws get changed or rearranged to fit and benefit all the ones who aren’t legit while the legal ones are subject to loss of income, housing, rights, liberties…

notice a trend?

The powers that be seem to prefer people they can exploit and ‘ help ‘ while the sure-fire taxpayers are relegated to the back of the room and told, ‘ take a seat ‘ , until tax time.

Good luck raising your children in a country where ” unlawful immigrants ” , are considered legal. And again, i have ZERO problem with someone coming through the proper channels.

I would help them myself. From what i was told several people i worked with at the bindary were, supposedly, not legal. Although i’m not sure someone would be so open about it and just tell random people their business…

But for all i know they were in process. They were good honest hard working people so i didn’t make any waves, that would have been wrong of me to do that: no matter how i feel about this issue and what it has done to our society.

But this situation now today regarding DeSantis and Martha’s Vineyard is just more bullshit!

and i do like him but as i wrote earlier this easily could be thought of as a two-party ploy just before mid-term election time. I think he’s fearless, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Tulsi Gabbard, Jim Jordan and a handful of others who swim against the stream and piss against the grain. Because THAT is the America i know and love. Not the serial killer, drug-addicted pedophile that resides at 1600 Penn ave., in DC.

This is a very important and 100% valid issue: not like fake racism or trans rights…this is real and it needs to stop. No one cares that you want to be identified as a DeerKin…everyone cares about losing their

‘ homeland ‘ to people who would steal it. ( my fraction of Wampanoag is going…

” yeah but…what about the Pilgrims?…clearly that was also expansionism ” ) …this is the new Pilgrimage and it needs to stop.

Like, yesterday! The true Americans, yeah those Native ones – remember them? – are relegated to reservations on their supposed ” sovereign territory ” …while the invaders who have taken over, flourish in their cities and land. And now we are seeing that same thing happening again.

The Department of ( supposed ) Homeland ( whose homeland? ) Security ( what security? )

is the problem here. But they seem to be working with the Democrat scumbags to erase ( lowercase w ) white people from America, while going waaaay out of their way to praise ( capital B ) black people. Just look around you. The ‘ white ‘ population has definitely decreased over the past 10 years. That is a fact Millicent! uncurl yourself from the fetal position…and stop calling me a migraphobe. No one cares that you need a ” safe-space ” right now because you are SO triggerrrred…

ok, look i’ll even rub your DeerKin antlers for you…see? antlerrrrrs…….ok? no more headache…breathe……………..think about good thoughts. Peanut-Butter on ice-cream…Thai food….ok, coming back now? Ok good.

i have no problem with Poncho and Lefty coming through the proper channels, but YOU are defending people who would just come in and take over. That feels wicked, ‘ Anglo-Saxon ‘ …

illegal immigrants are the New Pilgrims ( oh, that was redundant… ) and they are winning. Only this time there’s no need for colonies, they’re already in place.

The more people start thinking like that, the sooner we can snap awake and see it for what it really is.

{ to the American citizens… } We the People, are fast becoming Them, the former tenants…

ask any Native American how they feel about that.

I believe this is usually referred to as, Full Circle.

” what is illegal? for $200, Alex “

Where is the so-called, ” law ” , when illegal immigrants receive the same rights and privileges that legal citizens get? Things like driving; having a driver’s license. Of course the main reason you need one is to get to and from work umpteen hours a week just to survive, but beyond that, it’s about having the freedom to go and do what you want because you enjoy your freedom, and free time so much. You pay for that vehicle which you regularly maintain just to keep on having that security, and freedom; which comes with responsibilities such as excise tax and other fees. But having a driver’s license is a privilege.

There has to be a separation between privilege and restriction. Allowance and intolerance. Unlawful and lawful…

quoting the awesome band Bolt Thrower ( UK ), ” In Battle There Is No Law ” …

and this is true. We ARE in a battle, right now. But OUR elected and selected leaders in Congress have brought us to where we are today, battling illegal immigration on our turf. And THEY have the privilege given to them BY our leaders. For what? This is immigrant privilege. ” Im Priv ” …

Not, ImPROVE…this is not an improvement to the way things were, this is a detriment to our own society, and the way things will be.

This is all sounding vaguely familiar…somewhere in my fraction of Wampanoag lineage i can just see the shadow of an elder floating there saying something…but AH!!! what did they know, huh? 😉

If we want to protect our country we need to be sure immigrants come through the proper channels. That is literally all we ask, i assume…that they just do it the right way instead of being scumbags about it. Not too much to ask, correct?

There has to be a line there to cross.

A boundary: a ” border ” …

Apparently there was never a border to cross. Come one come all…

” it’s a Free for All ” …unlawful citizens receive benefits and wherewithal, while true citizens are being robbed blind, deaf and dumber.

How to stop this? How do ‘ We the People ‘ , stand up against this when Congress; which is full of our fellow American citizens ( we assume…define ‘ citizen ‘ … ), give away rights and freedoms to those who enter illegally? Therefore i can go to Mexico or Guatemala, or Venezuela and just take over and expect the government there to cater to my every whim and fulfill my every need? GREAT! When do we leave?

NOPE. I wouldn’t even if i could because i LOVE MY COUNTRY!

And i am willing to fight for what i believe is right. The real question is: why didn’t they do that? Why didn’t they fight to stay in their own country?

Giving ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS the same exact rights that i – A TRUE AMERICAN CITIZEN – have is wrong and goes against our US Constitution in several ways.

Therefore the term ‘ American citizen ‘ , is just a catch-phrase like ” where’s the beef ”

or …” dude, where’s my country? ”

And this whole time, i thought i should feel some sort of guilt for my ” white privilege ” …hmm, guess all the loony lefties were talking about someone else…

yes, black people, gays, trannies; anyone who is NOT white.

Even the fallout all the Cancel Culture Cunts and purple/pink SJWs might throw at me, is a violation of my rights. But they have every right to do that to me. There has to be a balance, and CONGRESS has now shifted that balance by varying degrees.

What are YOU going to do about that?

I’m doing this. This right here…you’re reading it.

and then…there is this.
More DoubleSpeak from the government. They give certain rights to illegal immigrants yet they want to restrict other laws regarding them? That is a double statement opposing itself.

and just to be crystal clear on this point: i have ZERO problem with someone entering by the proper channels and becoming a US citizen. Good for them! Yes do that. The right way, not sneaking in the back door expecting to use the pool while we’re on vacation…
If someone is waiting for their proper documentation to arrive and is in interim as they say, then yes they should be allowed a temporary license until they have FULL citizenship.
Someone somewhere is complaining right now…” bigot! You hate all foreigners and you’re the reason America is so racist… ” …
Oh? Ok, because i was just going to mention that sometimes people are denied citizenship, for whatever reason. So in that scenario they would still be illegal so to speak, and would be allowed a privilege like a driver’s license. To me that is wrong, and is really just one more reason to be more strict when it comes to immigration. This right here proves that we have to.

on DoubleSpeak

United States of America…quite a contradiction in terms right there. A united collection of states which are only separate as a shadow of its former independence, contained within the whole of democratic imperialism, and worldwide genocide. United by fake news and propagandized stories about faux foes all over the world the USA must swoop in and kill to protect…

“Democracy ”

All our enemies consist of people on our pay role, standing in line for their hand outs after killing millions in YOUR name. Not to mention that other antithesis of Democracy – the US military. Hired killers who are drugged and duped into fighting culprits who never were guilty. In that equation, guilt and innocence were the same.

The hit-man of the world goes anywhere he wants, finds people on his list of errands and murders them according to the needs of his benefactors.

The hit-man of the world is trying to save the world one million deaths at a time. Saving children in Iraq by placing sanctions via the UN and effecting the starvation deaths of over a million innocent people. Over a lie!

The Great Liberator in WW2 swooping in at the last possible and profitable moment to save the prisoners in the camps…after arming and financing BOTH sides in that obvious proxy war. An excuse and/or a distraction while 5.9 MILLION Jews emigrate to what used to be called, Palestine.

Bombing Tripoli at 3AM in a ruthless act of cowardice as a reaction to Qaddafi’s rebels: whether or not they were real is irrelevant. The US killing machines…

in ‘ league ‘ with NATO, and even parts of the CANADIAN military! WOW…were already on the way. Children died! Other children were maimed for life; a 6 or 7 year old boy losing half of his face to a bomb fragment. That is terrorism. That is senseless war. Where was the diplomacy that said, ” we will be arriving at 7AM to go in and we are going to take out Qaddafi. This is a go situation, just get your people out of the way, like YESTERDAY! FAIR WARNING!!! ” …

Even Putin did that in Mariupol, but you were told he killed children…see a parallel there?

That is propaganda.

Instead we went to Tripoli between 1 and 3 AM and dropped bombs on anyone under them at the time. That is scumbag democracy. That is imperialism and greed: piracy, since Obama stole Qaddafi’s gold: which was really the gold of Africa.

So…” the black guy ” , robbed Africa. { insert racist joke, here } ( but remember, he is only 6% black, ” half white ” and 44% Arab… )

In the Divided States of Amessica…the scumbag politicians are out there at election time making those same old promises they made in the 70s. Gun laws, abortion rights, equality…

why have they not defeated these issues? Job security.

Defeating so-called racism, by creating fake events to dupe stupid people who have nothing better to do but scream inequality on the sidewalk until they lose their job of 12 years, all benefits and dignity over a manipulated, agendized jumble of lies and posturing.

But at least when they lose their job, their home, their family…they can appeal to the government for a monthly stipend. Or payback for being yet another mook in this travelling circus on the wheels of chaos and unrule.

Equality is not real. You are already unequal. A human being entitled to…


White, black or in between…not one person is entitled to anything but taxes and death.

Live for yourself, only pay the taxes YOU choose to pay. ” war tax resistance ” …

DoubleSpeak is real. Just look around ewe 😉

Volume 10 industries…

the UnPatriotic Act

Standing up against a government which is out of control is not a crime. Using violence and intimidation, is a crime. Why would you go there? Because you are a child. This delicate revising of structures and tenets which have led to loss of rights and liberties in the so-called, ” Land of the Free ” – free to be extorted into paying tax and being arrested for using your rights to free speech – takes kid gloves and a certain intellect that many don’t have because they’re so quick to action, instead of using diplomacy. Your diplomacy comes at the end of a bat, yet you’re trying to make them listen to you? Put Down Your Fist…

The way you go about it should be unintrusive and correct. Anarchy has ZERO to do with violence. They oppose each other. Violence is antithesis, and goes against what you are there to achieve. How can you not see that? Because your face is beaten inside out…put down your fists and pick up your pencils and books. Go about it the right way. Because of you, the rest of us will suffer even more. YOU have made Sedition a real thing, again. Actually it is even worse than that because obviously it was just waiting in the wings; like ‘ gun control ‘ …ok! WHY is gun control STILL even on the table? Ask yourself. Why is that still a thing? Obviously these are agendas. YUP what you heard the free thinkers talking about was correct. It is all a big conspiracy. We have said it for decades dummy. These things are just waiting on a shelf somewhere in a burned out warehouse down on Cash way, and across from the local funeral home/meat processing plant, until an event arose, ” out of nowhere ” , and then conveniently there were all these people in one place at the right time for …hmmm, i dunno….a false flag to be labeled a real event where people went against the government??

” OH!!! that is sedition. We should bring that back! ” …

And OH! two people supposedly shot up a store and school respectively? Uh Oh! better raise that age from….18??? WOW you mean it was 18 just like the two kids were? WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Wow i am shocked…it’s almost as if it was 18 JUST SO they COULD raise it, to have some kind of fallout from a fake shooting, which would make it seem more ‘ real ‘ …

Thanks. Thanks for thaaaat ( clapping as slowly as possible while maintaining full eye contact………………………………………………………. you tit ………………………………………….. )

You walked right into their trap. Now, you are the mook on the face of their latest fake event, we’ll call you, ” Oswald ” …and because you fell for it, it looks real to the people who are blind. Now, any time someone rises to challenge the system they will be labeled a domestic terrorist and the hapless ignorant citizens will just nod their heads in agreement out of duty to their flag: which was most likely made in China…

they will throw their fellow Americans under the bus over nothing then stand back and feel more patriotic since that ‘ domestic terrorist ‘ , was caught and put in jail. What’s next, execution? And if anyone should be labeled domestic terrorists it should be Congress!

YOU did that. So now it’s up to you to undo it.

Standing up against a government which is out of control is not a crime. Using violence and intimidation to make your point, is. That literally is a seditious act. Then they craft things like the so-called, Patriot Act and any person at any time day or night can be arrested on the spot and brought anywhere they choose and be ” interrogated ” over nothing.

THAT is Communism.

People like you that don’t understand diplomacy and Common Sense { Thomas Paine reference }, are why the government now has a reason to implement such a restriction of ” the domestic terrorist/taxpayers ” …and that’s the only time the government would ever, ” negotiate with terrorists ” , is when they demand your tax money every year and ALL year 24/7. Without our money they couldn’t go anywhere they’re told and murder children for their benefactors in higher places…

Volume 10 industries…