Sholomo; or The Brown Plague

All over the world, at the same time, millions of people are being driven from their homes, cities, countries, because of one thing.

American imperialism.

The entire migrant crisis, if you examine every aspect of it, was provoked, enabled and continues because of the USA.
Thing is……………….
this is one big false flag. We are literally seeing it unfold before our eyes, in real time.
Why else would there be Muslim crisis actors used at certain, Islam-related events? The same guy in the crowd saying the same thing, being captured perfectly for posterity…( more like prosperity ), otherwise known as the media…

it’s too neat…too quaint.

and of course, with the USA comes France, Britain, maybe even Germany…just like in WW2 where the US was playing both sides against each other. Full backing from Britain, France, even levels of the German government were involved to keep things rolling in Warsville. [ My source is Professor Antony C. Sutton ]

The math of the world; politics, understanding, reality…has changed.

The aftermath is inestimable.

” 2 + 2 = 5 ” …


Apparently, his name is Sholomo Ettinger. Why is he the face of Islam, but only when some shit went down? Why would he be used for the propaganda? Surely he must realize he gets all the press, and is being talked about. Why him?

Same thing happened in the black communities in the USA when all the gun violence against ‘ unarmed ‘ black teens somehow occurred. Hmmm, was it because in ALL cases but one, the suspects were violent or high or injuring themselves, or just fucking stupid enough to challenge a cop who is known to be antsy, when it comes to your particular shade of darker than white?? And for good reason because for the most part they were all thugs. You cannot deny it.

Thing is, we saw certain people; mooks…patsies…used to represent the ‘ black communities ‘ …it seemed to me that certain, maybe photogenic people are used in the photos over and over again so they’re associated with the events. But, i feel like the black communities have been duped. What’s more racist…promoting public opinion that black people are violent, looters, damaging property, causing massive loss to the cities, shooting each other, fighting each other over nothing, but for status in their respective echalons…

or, just saying, GO! Do what you want. We know how you guys feel about Freddie Gray, Mike Brown, Eric Garner…tell ya what…RIOT the fuck out of this place. In fact, the more you kinda pose for the cameras here and there the better you’ll look in the public eye, ya know…gettin justice, getting back at white folk. Just do what you want.

So they do. In the process, they’ve gone and made themselves look worse. But now the media focuses on those ‘ dangerous blacks in the cities…’

…’…look how uppity they got over nothin…..’ …

I hate that word, black. I also hate the word white. I only use them for ease of speech. Like i would call a hot-dog-bun, a bun. Why bother these days to go through all of it…he was African-American, or his complexion was non-white…WHAT???

His complexion was a shade just above albino…

Eric Garner has gained my sympathy and i have fought to make him separate from the thugs…but he was dealing…

cigarettes. ” loose, untaxed cigarettes. ” …

Selling them individually. That’s the consensus on that, but so what? Did he buy them? Then do it? Who knows? Where did he get them? Who from? An undercover agent, perhaps??

Instead this event was more than likely used as an excuse for them to investigate those pesky former charges of his, [ i just copied and pasted from wikipedia ]

” Garner had been arrested by the NYPD more than thirty times since 1980 on charges such as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny.[10][11] According to an article in The New York Times many of these arrests had been for allegedly selling unlicensed cigarettes.[12] In 2007, he filed a handwritten complaint[13] in federal court accusing a police officer of conducting a cavity search of him on the street, “digging his fingers in my rectum in the middle of the street” while people passed by.[6] Garner had, according to The New York Times, “recently … told lawyers at Legal Aid that he intended to take all the cases against him to trial”.[6] At the time of the incident, he was out on bail for selling untaxed cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession, and false impersonation.[14]

SO WHAT? Why was HE their target? Surely, these things were happening all around them in the city over the years?

He shouldn’t have been taken down the way he was and he should be alive today. But he isn’t. Bottom line, he resisted. Why would he struggle to the point where they had to secure him like that? Maybe he was just afraid someone would do another cavity search on him, in public…but if he had nothing to hide, why did he resist?

Of course, the MSM, main stream media, capitalized on the story, in their bid to enhance all the perceptions of stereotypical black/white race relations, or the lack thereof…if the media says, white people hate black people…someone, somewhere will take it to heart and act on it. In reality, it’s pretty obvious that black people, some of them, have taken this whole thing very much to heart. They blame crackers and whitey all day long…WHILE referring to each other, as nigga…which what the fuck, might as well be, nigger.

WHAT IS YOUR FIGHT? I’m confused as to just what it is that you’re asking for here…” to be respected as the African-American that i am ” …ok, but why would you call your friend nigger? ” We takin it back! ” …

…..takin WHAT back??? are you fucking retarded? Try again. YOU are mad at ME, because i’m ‘ white ‘ …you’re mad at the wrong people. It was Spain, France, China, Britain, India, Egypt…which is IN Africa…

All those other people are the ones who enslaved your ancestors. Not, whitey. Not, American whitey…not first. The reason ‘ black ‘ people are even on this continent is because Spain and France abandoned settlements they had started here and left all THEIR slaves there. [ my source is James W. Loewen ]

But, we’re drifting.

Black people are embarrassing themselves, their culture, when they act out over things they haven’t fully understood. I don’t blame them. In the USA we’re all exposed to indoctrination, from the earliest ages.

Just like all of the black people in Baltimore, Ferguson, anywhere else, who were encouraged to riot, break shit and be as ‘ black ‘ as you can. Oh by the way we will be filming your cultural downfall for all to see when we have our secret chamber meetings and we masturbate inside of coffins…[ read into masturbation rituals, like one wasn’t enough…of the Skull and Bones group at Yale. ] …
They actually do this from what i’ve read…but, why would we know details about any ‘ secret society ‘ , unless that information is actually disinformation, as a distraction…? The press, loves to keep us all salivating, over the latest bit of gossip, politically inclined or not. I still say this is all one big psychological test, to see how we all react to these events; wars, poverty in ” 3rd world countries ” which we have made poor…fake shootings at schools, fake bombs at a marathon, then 4 days later a declaration of what amounted to martial law, and the subsequent police state, all in a nice pretty line down the streets of Boston, MA., as they chased their phantom bombers…sound a little Lee Harvey to you? Who’s the mook, this week?

Then we have B.L.M.

Belligerent Lives Matter…for some reason. Maybe it’s to make sure that we all see how irrational people can get when they’re given just a little bit of press time, on Youtube, Instagram…whatever. Suddenly they are important…the voice of a generation!!…OH it’s just so…

fucking stupid.

Social Justice Warriors, for the most part are loud-mouthed brats who need attention, and feel bad for others like black people, so oppressed, now white kids have their fists raised in solidarity for all their…well, not the white, their, but the black, their…ancestors and their suffering…

well, great. That’s awesome of you to try and do something to help ease the general tension between the two sides…like there even was a divide to begin with…i don’t think of ‘ racism ‘ as a real thing. I get it, some people in the world think less of others and are very vocal and brutal about it. To be sure, i have no dispute with that reasoning, i get it. But the SJWs seem to not have a clue about anything and they’re only there to be a part of something. Well, go join the YMCA, huh?

They’re not helping. And if someone who’s black, really wants some snotty white rich kid who has no idea the absolute suffering that these black ancestors went through, to be on their side…so be it. I wouldn’t want that, but that’s just me.

The protestors fell right into the hands of the elites, who wanted this to happen as part of that particular false flag, which has not ended and will not.

These are the people running our country…into the ground.

This is part of the plan laid out by the PNAC, remember them???


The never forget reference was an obvious pun, since Cheney sat/probably still sits on the board of the PNAC…who for all intents and purposes, planned the whole charade on 9/11. Cheney had control of the FAA during ‘ war games ‘…at the exact moment, there’s a ” real ” terrorist attack??? What are the fucking ODDS???!:)

give me a break.

break me off a piece of that…Theocracy. Let’s go there and ” Democratize ” them…it’s for their own good!
What we are seeing is several things all at once. Regime change in countries that benefit the USA in any way, shape or form. The destabilization of countries who have made the move to be independent, and use their own money. Saddam, Qaddafi…both leaders wanted to move away from the US dollar, and move to the gold dinar.

Who’s next? Assad?

What happened to all that gold that Qaddafi and Saddam had???

Remember, ” 7 countries in 5 years ” …read on that. Everybody needs to know this. It goes back to at least 2001. If it goes that far back, it probably goes back even further, since in my research i’ve found that a lot of the events we see are scripted, agreed upon, then enacted…but are drafted up to 15 years prior to the event. Kill a bunch of people in some real tall buildings, in New York, in 2001? well, let’s see…it’s now 1986…we’ll make sure we have the perfect cast at that time, 15 years from now…to be the appropriate puppets, actors…teleprompter presidents, and cabinet…to pull this off.

Again, some people will say, but what if THAT is just disinformation, and that whole thing was a sham. General Wesley Clark, just said some stuff and it’s all not real…

Sure, sure i get it. But what a coincidence, that those countries are: Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon…and later Yemen. ALL of them have been destabilized, decimated, war-torn, ravaged by these promoters of Democracy… then, just like in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq…when the government decides to cut and run, they will inevitably leave a vacuum, where the people there now have no one to fend for them, their safety…their ” liberation ” …from which new even more brutal factions will have room to pop up out of the blue and start terrorizing the citizens, causing massive damage, random killings…pretty much the coup that any usurper would want to walk right into.

Many of these ‘ 3rd world countries ‘ …have been decimated, impoverished on purpose, just so that the USA had a reason, a cause…to go, Hey! They need help over there! Let’s rally our citizens to donate to them in their obvious time of need…

Yeah…dickhead…you’re the one who destabilized them. Now you want my money to go and fix it? Fuck you.

Then i look like a dick for not helping.

Speaking of Qaddafi…the man was a genius. Blobama, ( quoting my Mom ),…told us he was a terrorist, he bombed his own people, women had no rights, the people were being oppressed by this despot…

in reality, he brought the economies of several states in Africa, back to good, from their previous decline. All citizens were given free healthcare and education, newly married couples received $50,000 and a new home, women had equal rights…

And it was Obama who bombed Tripoli, at 3am…with NATO, some other assorted troops, murdering scores of people, just to do it. Then he sent in Al-Qaeda…remember them? Those phantom, terrorists we used to always hear about and how terrible they are…he used them and another small faction of wannabe terrorists from the region. And they brought Qaddafi through the streets forcing his shame, beat him up a bit, then tossed him in a van. The footage i saw, showed one man lean in to the van with a knife, and you could see him stabbing Qaddafi, in the anus. I’m sure Obama said to the killer, make sure you do this one thing for me. Not the butt cheek, but right in the middle.

Thing is…Qaddafi was, anti-Israel. America is a surrogate mother to Israel, who has been on our teat for many years. But then, we’ve sucked most every teat out there dry…

We’ve been sending $3 billion, that was with a B…to them in ” aid ” every year since 1985. They have access to our military equipment, stored in their hangers and warehouses, at their disposal, for anytime they want to pepper some citizens of Palestine or Egypt with white Phosphorus, which comes from OUR supply of said weaponry. Our name is on it when they drop it on those people.

Are YOU ok with that? Because i am not.

Where do we think this ‘ appropriated ‘ gold went…when Obama stole it? Bush before him, would have gotten Saddam’s supply of gold i’m sure…

a little piracy here and there doesn’t make an honest country look  bad…right?

Where did the 2.3 trillion go on September 10th, 2001? Why was there a van filled to the ceiling with gold bars, stuck on a broken stanchion in the basement of building 5? This scenario has occurred several times over the decades. Where the hell is all the money going? OUR money!

Seems to me, that our government used this opportunity, 9/11…to re-pay some of our benefactors, in the Middle East…by robbing our own treasury, giving it to them for paying down our ridiculous deficit…then staged a fake attack to cover our own thievery. The WTC complex was supposedly FULL of asbestos, not cheap to rebuild an entire complex, bringing it up to code…according to reports even ONE of the towers cost $1,000,000 to maintain each year. Chump change to some…

NAH, let’s just demolish the whole thing. Raze it right to the ground. People will have to die to pull this off…is everyone on board?? GREAT!

” Let’s Roll! ” …

it just makes sense. Trying to see this from a different angle…but…..

Well, how did the Clinton cartel become so rich? How did the Bush family profit from having to go overseas for oil when they owned it here? Zapata Oil…

What are we currently seeing in South America? What is the plan there? Do they have the resources we currently have not? That would be a great reason to suddenly pay such devoted interest to a small place like Ecuador, no? Bordered by Columbia and Peru…Now what do you think is going on there???

Venezuela, which has one of the world’s highest crime rates…sitting at one end with Columbia in the middle of it and Ecuador sitting opposite…they need the help, but why are we doing it? If we can go in and topple a good man like Qaddafi, over wanting to benefit his people and eliminate the US dollar, we can kill innocent people in that process, over nothing more than bragging rights…why are we helping a third world country which is only being helped because they have something to offer?

American imperialism.

Keep the imports coming in, you’re doing great! All the markets, the 3 or 4 left in the country that aren’t Walmart…are selling tons of your fruits and veggies…this is great, just keep it coming so we can keep on doing what we’re doing behind your backs…you’ve made upwards of 15 billion from your imports in 2015…but still continue failing as an economy?


” YEAH!! Wooo! De-mo-cra-say!!!…( you fucking spic get back to work or your Mother gets it…) ” …yeah…wooooo!

Let’s allow Killary to be in charge of the finances, because she has been SOOOOO reliable over the past 40 years…
Let’s create a bunch of fake terrorism that WE are actually behind, blame it on the new kid in town, and keep those sheep dumb as hell! That is the American Way.

When i wrote about the rape crisis in Sweden and Germany, also places like Bulgaria, Ukraine, Norway, Denmark…we could go on…
i was banned from FB for 30 days. Why?
Because i called it like it is. Muslim men are doing this, so kill them. If one of them rapes a girl, kill him! It’s pretty fucking simple. That being said…if an American man rapes a girl, kill him too. Nationality means nothing when it comes to this.

They are rioting, causing massive amounts of property damage, and why? So they can state their discontent and voice their tired opinions while pretending that following a false prophet who was a war monger and a pedophile is actually a worthwhile use of their time, and spirituality.
Going on this, do we expect them to be rational???

Let’s be honest. We are literally talking to the wall. But, it seems pretty much the same no matter the religion. When i was a kid we would call Christians, the ones who were really out there….Jesus Crispies.

Feel free to make your own combinations of religious iconography and witty insults…leave a list!! I’d love to see that.

Thousands of migrants in Bulgaria, rioted for 24 hours according to one video i watched on it…

The police finally found their dicks and started fighting back. However they did it without the use of violence, which i do applaud, but i also regard that as the wrong move. I call myself an anarcho-pacifist, but any pacifist knows there is a time to hit back. With your, passive-fist…
The problem is that no one wants to use real bullets. Make an example of the man standing next to that guy and he will shit his pants. Instill some fear into them, because they are obviously fearless. They’ve been told, by the USA, you are exempt from prosecution, no one will act against you, do what you want. A hail of bullets gets the message across fairly quickly when it comes into contact with the soft flesh of the rowdy ones. They are literally asking for it. And not one of them stands up and says, no, this is not right. We are fucking it all up. Let’s stop.

They’re incapable of just stopping when it gets this way. Peer hypnosis on a major scale.

As it states in the video, many of them are infected with diseases. This is literally the new plague of humanity in so many senses. In Bulgaria, over 100 of the migrants who were put into camps were thought to have had such diseases as smallpox, malaria, viruses, scabies, other skin diseases and more. Although, as it tells us in the description, the government soon recanted that and stuck with pox, or chicken pox. They want to cover it up, why?


We have seen many cases of THE FUCKING PLAGUE…here in the USA over the past 5 or 6 years, so…….

The local government in Bulgaria, had to come out and admit that it was so, after saying it was untrue. But, why would the government move them into camps if not to separate them from society? Just the fact that they are doing what they are, isn’t a good enough reason, but when they find out they all have diseases, suddenly we should act?

As it also states in the video, around 250 of the rioters were deported. So at least someone is doing something.

Ultimately, there is a sense of entitlement in the mindset of the migrants. Why? Because they have been convinced they’re doing the right thing, and should keep doing it.

Why hasn’t Obama said Look! that’s it! enough is enough…go back home, take care of yourself, by yourself.

Because he helped create it. It benefits him to have this crisis and any more to come…just because he’s on the way out doesn’t mean he’s leaving. He’ll be seated at the corrupt UN or the equally corrupt US Supreme Court of assholes and queers. Why do you think Scalia was murdered?
M, hmmm. You nailed it!
But, no matter what i could write, and have, about Obama…he’s just following the lead of those before him. That is how Fascism works.
Bush created this, after it was handed down to him by Clinton, who had it handed down from Bush Sr., who took the lead from Reagan…on and on.

We could really go back to just before 1914. Especially with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which was the beginning of the end for colonist America, and the end of the beginning for the elitist war machine to rev it’s engines of doom and slowly take over. They created an illegal state of Israel, planned on pushing Palestine out, then had the chance in 1946,7,8 with the massive migration, keyword…into Palestine. Hmm, odd that number was…5.9 million…prrrrrretty close to, ” 6 million ” …no?

Palestine loses more and more everyday. Israel is America Jr., in pig tails and braces, waiting for her Mama’s hand…her Mama hates Palestine and thinks it should die.

Nice lesson for a Mama to teach her child huh? Indoctrination…..

Today, they are existing on a shred of their former breadth. And people say Zionists had nothing to do with it. Really?! Have you been sleeping while we talked? Who else would it be? If the Zionists aren’t the ones with all the money and power, then i’ve been missing something.

Nothing is going to change until we change it.

Anyone who is still waiting in the wings for the government to step up and do something is on a fool’s errand. A fruitless endeavor.

Any citizen of the USA who isn’t up to speed is slowing down the rest of us who are fully prepared for the Fascism and Communist ideals to take hold, just before they lead us to the camps. When the walls crumble and there is no more ” America ” what will happen to those who said, ” i told you so…..”?

Frankie Boyle says it best, when asked to give the question for the answer ‘ 2025 ‘ he says,

” what year will blacks and whites finally live side by side, in harmony…

in the Chinese concentration camps? ” …

He’s brilliant.

But as usual what we’ve seen is the doubters trying to shut down any other voice but the one that says, everything’s fine: trust your government! we have it under control…

” yes we can…” …


You cannot affect any change but the one you plan to prop yourself up with, while standing on the backs of the slaves and zombies who support you.

Will they be there for you to exploit, tomorrow?

I’ll use everything in my power to make sure they will not.

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